International Thespian Society and Drama
The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for high-school theatre students located in more than 3,600 schools across the united states and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor superior students excellence in the theater arts. Students earn points by participating in theatrical productions. Students who are inducted join the 150+ members of the ITS Troupe #3126 at Potosi High School.
Mrs. Papin
Motto-“Act well thy part; there all honor lies.”
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
Brailyn Mercille
Trinity Naused Aubrianne singer Emma Thurman |
1999-2000 | 2000-2001 | 2001-2002 | 2002-2003 | 2003-2004 |
Jennifer Allen Stacy Burger Rennee Chamness Cassandra Coleman Tara Coleman Jessica Gump Audrea Dahean Bree French Charles Gains Aaron Gamble Molly Hoerstra Chad Link King Mathus Emily Maxwell Melissa McCullins Vegan Merrill Katherine Schuster Eric Stechfus Nichole Suse Adam Topping Bryce Wilson Kelli Ztegler |
Jeff Adams Melissa VonBucEngla Lauren DeSonice Shawn Getron Shawn Ditron James Gough John Houghmann Rebekah Hill Heather Jones Nena Kircher Amanda LaChance Shama Tilliy |
Kallista Bernal Joshua Belfield Nichole Brassfield Renee Declue Roxanna Griggs Katherine Elizabeth Jennie Kciegesmann Kindra Martin Jennifter Merrall Jessanyer Roycluee Kristie Nipper Josh Shots Rebekah Wilson |
Davis Merry Christopher Gaugh Katie Isgriggs Mandy Keller Sarah McCoy Jordy McGinness Stacy Middleton Jason Topping Charles Tucker Jan John Danny Warren |
Roger Price Colby Keen Ashley Clapp Heather Groslen Susan Rousan Nathan Govero Katie Coleman |
2004-2005 | 2005-2006 | 2006-2007 | 2007-2008 | 2008-2009 |
Amy Burge Cody Dickinson Mary Gaydesil Robert Freeman Sara Faert Angel Kramer Mary Mayberry Koty Merrill Barbara VanBeiskirk Holli Wallace Roler James Wilkinsor Andrew Ghetgon |
Katrina Huddleston Dylan Reese Breanne Kean Ashley Litton Dylan Ranghan Jenny Renfer Justin Erinn |
Nicole Brandy John Coleman William Drennen Courtney Harmon Lynn Richards |
Jermey Bone Tiffany Evans Alison Hefiner Jesse Lindell Courtney Harmon Lloyd Peirce Brittany Portell Casey Rockson Cyrus Slovensky |
Aceron Williams Mariah Boyer Kenneth Kircher Maria Petite |
2009-2010 | 2010-2011 | 2011-2012 | 2012-2013 | 2013-2014 |
Lukus Dement Kody Heifner Brittany Isert Susan Jackson Chris Koch Erin McRaven Katie Thurmond |
Ashley Vance Megan Hinkle Kristin Eye Geena Davis Amanda Breakfield Jade Bone |
Jennifer Emily Amanda Fullbright Audree Pashia Michael Petite |
Michael Petete Amanda Fulbright Jenifer Emily Colten Collins Matt Tucker Joey Wendland Wyatt Nickelson Elizabeth Week Ashley Vance Jasmine Cole Annie Johnson Alex Tuck Adam Steele Amber Jones Oliver Dirker Baylee Finley Cassie Shearin Bailey Jackson Shawn Declue Brittney Pickett Lacey Falter |
Kaitlin Courtway Shawn Declue Lacy Falter Kilea Lewis Wyatt Nickelson Shianne Portell Cassie Shearin Adam Steele Shaye Woodruff Colten Collins Baylee Finley Xanthia McCaul Amber Jones Alex Tuck Bailey Jackson Joey Wendland |