


Mrs. Segura is the Speech/Drama Teacher at Potosi High School. She graduated from Potosi High School in 2007, she left Mineral Area College with her Associates in Teaching with Emphasis in Drama, & continued on to Missouri Baptist University for a Bachelors of Science in Education. This is her sixth year as a high school educator & she’s loving it! She has been married for 5 years. Also a mother of two rambumcious kids. She teaches Speech 1, Theater 1, Theater 2, & will co-teach Musical Theater with Mrs. Lewis. She is also the director of the Fall play. Spring Musical, & helps coordinate Vespers each year. Other positions she has are the Speech Team coach, Drama Club sponsor, & Thespian Society supervisor. If she is not working at high school, she is involved in theater elsewhere. She is co-director at Leadwood First Church Of God for Christian drama ministry, and professional and nonprofessional plays during the summer, and is now attending Fontbonne University to get a major in theater. She has been in over 50 productions & plans on being in many more. Her goal is to instill a love for learning in students & share her love of the arts in hopes they will come to appreciate them too.

Email: hsegura@potosir3.org

Tutoring Times: By appointment or by signing up in class Tuesday-Friday!      


Theatre 1:

In Theatre 1, students will cover theater history beginning with its origins in Greece to the new styles of play-writing in the 20th Century. They will also be tackling the main acting methods used in the industry today with the help of GOTE sheets and Goals/Wants activities.


Theatre 2:

In Theatre 2, Students will be expanding on what they learned in Theatre 1 by applying it to real production. Students will take on the task of developing a children’s theater show from scratch. This play will tour to other Potosi R3 buildings. The class will work as a team to make sure their production goes off without a hitch & learn how the theater runs as a business in the process. The audition process, makeup techniques, costuming, basic stage combat and set building will be included. This class is a chance to experience the many different aspects of theatre coming together to create a real production.


Speech 1:

This required course is designed to introduce students to public speaking, and assist in gaining self-confidence while developing formal and informal communication skills. Students will learn the organizational process (research and outlining, needed listening skills), as well as delivery in variety of public speaking areas including informal speaking, demonstration, informative, persuasive, narrative, and extemporaneous speaking.

Competitive Speech Team:

This is a fall and/or spring elective where students learn and compete in the areas of public specking, acting, reading, and interpretation. Competitive speech competitions, combined with debate, comprise this area of forensics. students study how projection, movement, and emphasis combine to create effective oral interpretation. In the fall, students learn about the individual events. In the Spring students learn about the team competitions.