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Mrs. Luther – bio
Co-Teaching Biology-(2 Teachers)
Biology: is a full year class in which a variety of instructional approaches will be used in order to provide students with opportunities for gaining factual knowledge and applying skills. Students will develop the ability to connect biological concepts, build higher-level skills, and develop their own viewpoint of the world around them. Content will focus on information and skills for the biology end-of-course exam.
The students will not only be introduced to major themes of modern biology, but will also be introduced to a critical thinking skills and process skills through laboratory investigations. The student will acquire a clear understanding of biological concepts, develop an awareness of relevance of biology as an integral part of their everyday lives, and develop an appreciation of an interest of biology and all other sciences.
Physical Science: The subject matter attempts to integrate the study of the composition of matter into the scientific disciplines of physics, biology, chemistry, and geology. Students are expected to have a limited background in subjects mentioned and have a basic understanding of mathematics. The educational experience is aimed more toward a practical understanding and less toward academic advancement.