The A+ School Program is a school-improvement initiative

established by the Outstanding School Act of 1993.  The program is

raising academic standards, opening new doors to higher education

an introducing students to the teaching profession through tutoring

and mentoring activities.


The focus of an A+ School is on what the student can do.  Can the

student actually apply his or her knowledge?  Can the student

demonstrate that he or she has developed the needed skills?


This  programs provides incentives for local high schools to:

reduce the dropout rate,

raise academic expectations and eliminate “general track” courses,

provide better “career pathways” for all students,

develop a school/business partnership plan to work more closely with business

and for higher-education leaders,

establish measurable performance standards for individual courses

and for graduation, and

provide rigorous course work with standards of competency in all

academic subjects.


The A+ Schools’ concept expects All Students to achieve at a high level.

The faculty and staff of Potosi High School continue to gain knowledge and enhance course work to

meet the needs of all our students.