- Child Development/Parenting
- Foods 1/Foods 2
- Fashions 1/Fashions 2
- Saturday School
- FCCLA (Future Community and Career Leaders of America)
Email: lsmith@potosir3.org
FACS is a class that gives you the basic knowledge of what you will need to know to make it in the real world. How to properly communicate with others, stable relationships, and an introduction to safety and childcare. Child Development/Parenting gives you the information you need to know and helps you prepare for if you want kids in the future/babysitting. Foods is an introduction to cooking in a safe environment. Fashions helps students learn how to sew with a needle and thread and the machine. They will make things such as pillows with embroidery, and in Fashions 2 start making clothes.
Saturday School is an opportunity to make up missed work. FCCLA is a club that offers many opportunities for volunteer service and fun.